The Becca Smith Fund
Fund Guidelines
Background of Fund
A fund created by Alfred and Jane Smith in memory of their daughter, Becca Smith, who had Down syndrome.
Purpose of Fund
To provide a small stipend to families when their loved one with Down syndrome is hospitalized overnight.
Purpose of Stipend
To help defray extraordinary expenses incurred during an unexpected hospital stay (i.e. gas & travel costs, missed work, meals, extra child care, insurance payments, etc)
Who is Eligible
Any local (Tulsa metro and surrounding areas) family when their loved one with Down syndrome is admitted to the hospital overnight (12 hours or more). Siblings without Down syndrome admitted to the hospital are not eligible.
Amount of Stipend
$250 per family per hospitalization stay (under 30 days). Additional $250 per family per extended hospitalization (30 or more consecutive days).
Frequency of Stipend
Families may apply for up to two $250 stipends (if two separate hospitalizations occur) during a 30 day period. Families may apply for an additional $250 stipend if hospitalization lasts more than 30 consecutive days (can reapply every additional 30 consecutive days during extended hospitalization).
*The Becca Smith Fund increased from $100 to $250 effective December 2nd, 2024. Hospital stays that occur on or after December 2nd, 2024 will receive $250.